Who we are? Read our Story

Welcome to MILE, a non-governmental and non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to Information Management and Environmental Preservation. Established in 2022, we are based in Iraq and officially registered with the Directorate of non-governmental Organizations (DNGO).

Our mission is to safeguard and restore the environment for the benefit of present and future generations. We recognize the urgent need to address pressing environmental challenges and work towards sustainable solutions that promote ecological balance and enhance the well-being of communities.

MILE dedicated team of professionals, volunteers, and partners are committed to making a positive impact on the environment through various initiatives and projects. We engage in advocacy, research, and hands-on activities to raise awareness, promote conservation practices, and implement sustainable development strategies.

We believe that collaboration is key to achieving lasting change. Therefore, we actively seek partnerships with government bodies, local communities, other non-profit organizations, and the private sector to maximize our collective impact and create a greener and healthier environment for all.

Join us in our efforts to protect and preserve the environment. Together, we can build a more sustainable future for generations to come.

What we do? See Our Works

MILE is dedicated to addressing critical issues in the Middle East region, specifically focusing on climate change and explosive ordnance contamination. Our goal is to mitigate the devastating effects of these challenges and build resilience in affected communities.
Climate Changes

The Middle East faces severe climate change impacts, with the region being the hottest and driest on Earth. The rising temperatures, predicted to reach 60 degrees Celsius or higher, threaten to render certain areas uninhabitable in the coming decades. The repercussions of climate change in the region include chronic water shortages, agricultural disruptions due to extreme weather and drought, and a significant increase in heat-related health problems and mortality rates.

Information Management

Our organization operates a comprehensive database that serves as a repository for all relevant environmental information. This includes data on climate patterns, temperature changes, precipitation levels, water resources, and other critical factors impacting the region. By centralizing this information, we ensure that decision-makers, policymakers, and researchers have easy access to the most up-to-date and accurate data available.

Mine Action Program

MILE recognizes the dire consequences of explosive ordnance contamination resulting from military operations in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq. Widespread contamination has posed a severe threat to innocent lives, prevented communities from accessing vital infrastructure, and inhibited the use of productive land.


Our Role in Climate Change

The organization takes an active role in combatting the effects of climate change by implementing various activities in both urban and rural areas. Our focus is on raising awareness and building resilience to climate-related hazards. We address two specific hazards and provide corresponding solutions:

Hazard: Crop failure and loss of human/livestock life due to drought

Solution: We offer advice and necessary information to promote afforestation, improve tree quality, and encourage sustainable agriculture in rural areas. By increasing humidity and reducing evaporation, we aim to limit the extension of drought and improve living environments.

Hazard: Global warming in urban areas due to increasing temperatures

Solution: Through scientific studies, we identify the causes of increased heat stress and work closely with relevant authorities. We emphasize the importance of expanding green spaces in cities to mitigate the impact of global warming.

Our Role in Information Management

Through our information management program, we convert raw data into valuable information that can guide informed decision-making. Our team of experts analyzes the data, identifies trends, and provides meaningful insights into the impacts of climate change in the Middle East region. This scientific evidence forms the basis for developing effective strategies and policies to mitigate the effects of climate change and build resilience in affected communities.

By enabling decision-makers to make informed choices, our information management program promotes evidence-based decision-making. It empowers policymakers to develop and implement targeted initiatives that address the specific challenges posed by climate change in the Middle East. Whether it's designing sustainable water management systems, implementing resilient infrastructure projects, or formulating climate adaptation plans, our database and analysis play a pivotal role in shaping effective strategies.

Furthermore, our information management program fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing among various stakeholders. We actively engage with governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and local communities to exchange information, insights, and best practices. This collaborative approach ensures that the most relevant and impactful solutions are implemented, maximizing the positive outcomes in the fight against climate change.

We believe that information is a powerful tool for change. By creating a comprehensive database and offering valuable insights, we empower decision-makers to take proactive steps in addressing climate change challenges in the Middle East. Together, with evidence-based strategies and collaborative efforts, we can build a more sustainable and resilient future for all.

Our Role in Mine Action

We actively support national authority to reduce the risks associated with explosive ordnance contamination. We engage in risk education activities to raise awareness and conduct surveys to identify contaminated areas. By linking these findings with environmental data, we highlight the direct and future impact of demining activities on the environment.

Through our dedicated work in climate change and mine action, our organization strives to make a positive and lasting impact in the Middle East region. We are committed to creating a safer and more sustainable future for communities affected by these pressing challenges.